Ledger.com/Start® | Getting started | Official Site® |

Our platform, Ledger.com/Start, serves as the gateway to initiate and optimize your Ledger device's functionality. Whether your new to the Ledger family or a seasoned user.

Welcome to Ledger.com/Start - Your Gateway to Secure Crypto Management

At Ledger.com/Start, we're committed to empowering you on your journey into the world of cryptocurrency management. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our platform offers the resources and guidance you need to secure your digital assets with confidence.

Getting Started with Ledger Devices

Are you ready to take control of your crypto holdings? Ledger.com/Start is here to guide you through the setup process for your Ledger hardware wallet. From selecting the right device for your needs to initializing it securely, our step-by-step instructions ensure that you start off on the right foot.

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